Garrett Public Relations Blog

crisis communications

This Week in Crisis PR

Crises – they happen. There seems to be no shortage of brands in crisis mode these days. This week was no exception. On that note, I’m introducing a new column to highlight the PR crises of the week. I bring you (drum roll, please): PR Crises of the Week This

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Public relations media relations crisis communications

My Favorite Posts of 2017

As I look back on 2017, it’s been a banner year for my business. I’ve done more writing than ever and attracted some great new clients. What I’ve learned is that when you do what you love, people notice. I love PR—but I’ve always loved writing. So writing about public relations and the disciplines it touches on—content marketing, social media, influencer marketing, email marketing and others—just makes sense. It’s when

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Michelle's B2B PR Book is AVAILABLE NOW!

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