Garrett Public Relations Blog

Passionate About PR

I was reflecting recently on what led me down the path to a career in PR. I started writing at an early age, just for fun, poems and journal entries, even short stories. That love of writing led me to a role working on my high school paper, where I

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Everyone Could Use PR

In my work as a PR specialist, I often notice things perhaps others don’t. For example, walking through a mall on my way to meet someone for a lunch appointment, I noticed a sign about an upcoming event that would appeal to parents in the area. I thought, “Hmmm, why

Everyone Could Use PR Read More »

Speaking tomorrow at the Worthington Chamber’s SOHO meeting

Putting the finishing touches on my presentation for the Worthington Chamber’s SOHO group meeting tomorrow: Looking forward to sharing tips about how small businesses can do their own PR. It needn’t be expensive, and there are many initiatives SOHO folks can pursue on their own, if they have the know-how.

Speaking tomorrow at the Worthington Chamber’s SOHO meeting Read More »

Some good news for enterprise software startups in this article, “Enterprise Software Startups Make a Comeback”

Hooray for enterprise software startups, back in the funding spotlight and deservedly so! “Venture capitalists placed $2 billion with IT startups in the first quarter of this year, according to a survey by Dow Jones VentureSource, a 14% increase from the first quarter of 2011. Meanwhile, investors put 76% less investment in consumer

Some good news for enterprise software startups in this article, “Enterprise Software Startups Make a Comeback” Read More »

Got content?

You have your accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the list goes on. Now, you need content to push out through all those social media channels, as well as for your site, and perhaps even for your customer or employee communications—but where do you get this content? Who creates it?

Got content? Read More »

Michelle's B2B PR Book is AVAILABLE NOW!

B2B PR Book cover